Thursday, April 2, 2015

1st Public Meeting of ISB Corridor Plan includes discussion of Complete Streets!

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had its first public meeting this evening to get input on revamping ISB/US92 from I-95 to Atlantic Ave.   It was well attended, perhaps 50 people, very few seats remaining at the Daytona State College conference room.

FDOT and their consultants (Ghyabi & Associates of Ormond Beach) plotted out a satellite view of the  whole ISB/US92 corridor in full color and allowed attendees to put sticky notes everywhere that needs improvement. 

The photo below shows the US92/US1 intersection where I put lots of sticky notes because there are no bike lanes within two blocks of that intersection in all directions.  Blue dots are car crashes, red dots are pedestrian crashes, and green dots are bicycle crashes all from 2008-2012. 

All my sticky notes show where bike lanes don't exist. I also wrote up comments on ISB from US1 to Beach St and the ISB/Clyde Morris intersection that doesn't accommodate bicycles through the intersection.  The overall study includes not only ISB, but along ISB north and south between Beville Rd and Mason Ave.  I also mentioned the general lack of sidewalks along Clyde Morris Blvd.  Next public meeting is June 30, 2015 at Daytona State College, 5:30pm-7pm.  Contact Heather Garcia (386) 943-5077 for more information.
This photo shows the ISB/US92 intersection with Clyde Morris and the lack of bike lanes on Clyde Morris 
and ISB near the intersection.

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