Three-three new inverted-U racks at Embry-Riddle's College of Arts and Sciences Building. Sixty-six more reasons to bike to ERAU! Thanks to ERAU facilities for installing these much needed bike racks. With the new ERAU student union under construction, many bike racks were removed. These nice racks provide more stable and secure parking for students, faculty and staff. Now, we just need to get them covered from the rain and sun!
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Votran carries both people and their bicycles!
Votran bikes on the bus allows people to take their bicycles with them when they travel on the bus! Thanks to Heather Blank at Vortran, students at Saturday's first Cycling Savvy course in Daytona Beach got to practice loading their bikes on the bus. In the video above, River-to-Sea Bike/Ped Coordinator Stephan Harris loads his bike on the bus. Thanks also to Courtney Reynolds from ReThink Your Commute for making this possible.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Summer of Bicycle Friendly Community Visits
Had the pleasure of visiting a few Bicycle Friendly Communities this summer. The first was Salt Lake City with a silver rating from the League of American Bicyclists. Got to ride in protected bike lanes and follow the easy to read bike map.
Protected bike lane on 300 S in downtown Salt Lake City |
Salt Lake City protected bike lane with bike share station |
Buffered bike lane in downtown Salt Lake City |
Travel lane, parking, buffer, bike lane, curb, sidewalk. Note the regular bike racks. |
New protected lanes under construction downtown. |
Downtown Salt Lake City |
Biking along 800 S in Salt Lake City, a designated bike route. |
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Bike lanes continue across intersections with sharrows marking the the way. Note the left turn box on the right. |
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When the bike lane passed in front of a driveway it is painted green. |
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Currently no alternative route for bicyclists on US92/ISB during construction, must take full lane.
Wonderful 10-foot sidewalks are coming to both sides of US92/ISB between Williamson Blvd and the Volusia Mall. In the mean time the sidewalk is closed and large sections of the road have the right lane and shoulder blocked off. FDOT is supposed to provide alternative routes for people who bicycle and walk. Hasn't happened yet.
Here's what they do in Portland:
Here's what they do in Portland:
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Improvements needed on ISB just west of Clyde Morris Blvd
Got out my GOPRO camera today to get some shots of what people who bicycle face on ISB west of Clyde Morris Blvd. Complete Streets planning is coming to ISB, we need to make sure transitions like this one are improved. My guess is that no one wants to merge with 45 mph traffic on ISB if they don't have to. It would be good to paint these lanes bright green near intersections to make people who drive more aware of people who bicycle.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
A Summary of the National Bike Summit 2015 with links!
Back in early March I attended the National Bike Summit in Washington, D.C. for the first time. It was a great experience! Today I gave a presentation on my experience at NBS15 to the River-to-sea Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee. I talked about my favorite sessions and my experience lobbying on Capitol Hill for bicycle/pedestrian safety and funding. Here's a PDF filled with links!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
1st Public Meeting of ISB Corridor Plan includes discussion of Complete Streets!
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had its first public meeting this evening to get input on revamping ISB/US92 from I-95 to Atlantic Ave. It was well attended, perhaps 50 people, very few seats remaining at the Daytona State College conference room.
FDOT and their consultants (Ghyabi & Associates of Ormond Beach) plotted out a satellite view of the whole ISB/US92 corridor in full color and allowed attendees to put sticky notes everywhere that needs improvement.
The photo below shows the US92/US1 intersection where I put lots of sticky notes because there are no bike lanes within two blocks of that intersection in all directions. Blue dots are car crashes, red dots are pedestrian crashes, and green dots are bicycle crashes all from 2008-2012.
All my sticky notes show where bike lanes don't exist. I also wrote up comments on ISB from US1 to Beach St and the ISB/Clyde Morris intersection that doesn't accommodate bicycles through the intersection. The overall study includes not only ISB, but along ISB north and south between Beville Rd and Mason Ave. I also mentioned the general lack of sidewalks along Clyde Morris Blvd. Next public meeting is June 30, 2015 at Daytona State College, 5:30pm-7pm. Contact Heather Garcia (386) 943-5077 for more information.
This photo shows the ISB/US92 intersection with Clyde Morris and the lack of bike lanes on Clyde Morris
and ISB near the intersection.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Slides from my "Bike There" Presentation on March 28, 2015 at the Daytona Beach City Island Library
In case you missed it....
Click here for link to a PDF file of my presentation.
Thanks to the Daytona Beach Friends of the Library for allowing me to lead off a series of talks on sustainability.
Thanks to the League of American Bicycles for their excellent bicycle advocacy materials!
The great bicycle cartoons in my presentation are from Bekka Wright and Andy Signer!
Click here for link to a PDF file of my presentation.
Thanks to the Daytona Beach Friends of the Library for allowing me to lead off a series of talks on sustainability.
Thanks to the League of American Bicycles for their excellent bicycle advocacy materials!
The great bicycle cartoons in my presentation are from Bekka Wright and Andy Signer!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Bicycles appear in 15 sections of the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code
Extracted from the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code approved January 21, 2015 and effective March 1, 2015.
Article 4: Zoning Districts
Section 4.2 Residential Base Zoning Districts
Subsection 4.2.A General Purposes of Residential Base Zoning Districts
The Residential (R) base zoning districts established in this section
are intended to provide a comfortable, healthy, safe, and pleasant
environment in which to live and recreate. More specifically, they are
intended to:
5. Provide for safe and efficient vehicular access and circulation and
promote bicycle-, pedestrian-, and transit-friendly neighborhoods;
Article 4: Zoning Districts
Section 4.8 Planned Development Zoning Districts
Subsection 4.8.B General Standards for All Planned Development Districts
The PD Plan/Agreement shall:
f. Identify the on-site transportation circulation system, including
the general location of all public and private streets, existing or
projected transit corridors, and pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and
how they will connect with existing and planned City systems;
Article 4: Zoning Districts
Section 4.8 Planned Development Zoning Districts
Subsection 4.8.B General Standards for All Planned Development Districts
c. Modifications to Street Standards
i. The PD Plan/Agreement provides for separation of vehicular,
pedestrian, and bicycle traffic;
Article 6: Development Standards Section
6.2 Off-Street Parking and Loading Subsection
6.2.E Vehicle Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones, Stacking Spaces, and stacking Lanes
6.2.E.3 Design and Layout
Required stacking spaces are subject to the following design and layout standards:
iii. Stacking spaces shall not impede onsite or offsite bicycle or
pedestrian traffic movements.
Article 6: Development Standards Section
6.2 Off-Street Parking and Loading Subsection
6.2.G Reduced Parking Requirements for Parking Demand Reduction Strategies
6.2.G.1 Transit Accessibility
b. Transportation Demand Management Activities
The TDM plan shall provide at least three of the following
transportation demand management activities:
i. Establishment of a development-specific website that provides
multi-modal transportation information such as real-time
travel/traffic information, bus schedules and maps, and logging of
alternative commutes (e.g., bicycle, pedestrian, carpool, and
Article 6: Development Standards Section
6.2 Off-Street Parking and Loading Subsection
6.2.G Reduced Parking Requirements for Parking Demand Reduction Strategies
The City staff may authorize up to a five percent reduction in the
minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 6.2.C.1,
Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces, for developments that
provide both of the following:
a. A proportionate percentage reduction in vehicle spaces for bicycle
parking spaces provided up to a five percent maximum. For example, if
50 vehicle spaces are required, a four percent reduction in vehicle
spaces (two spaces) is permitted if two bicycle spaces are provided;
b. Shower and dressing areas for employees.
Article 6: Development Standards
Section 6.2 Off-Street Parking and Loading
Subsection 6.2.H General Design Standards for Off-Street Parking and Loading Areas
6.2.H.5 Bicycle Parking
Bicycle parking racks shall be solid metal or PVC stationary racks or structures of similar quality and function that are anchored with a concrete base, and designed to allow securing of the frame and wheel of the bicycle
Article 6: Development Standards
Section 6.3 Mobility and Access
Subsection 6.3.D Multimodal Transportation System
Access and circulation systems associated with a development shall
provide for multiple travel modes (vehicular, transit, bicycle, and
pedestrian), as appropriate to the development’s size, character, and
relationship to existing and planned community transportation
systems. Vehicular, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian access and
circulation systems shall be coordinated and integrated as necessary
to offer the development’s occupants and visitors improved
transportation choices while enhancing safe and efficient mobility
throughout the development and the community.
Article 6: Development Standards
Section 6.3 Mobility and Access
Subsection 6.3.G Vehicular Access and Connectivity
b. Coordination with Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Access and
Circulation i. The vehicular access and circulation system of a
development located on a site abutting an existing or planned transit
route shall accommodate a transit stop and other associated facilities
unless the City staff determines that adequate transit facilities
already exist to serve the needs of the development. ii. The
vehicular access and circulation system of a development shall be
coordinated with the bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation
systems within and adjacent to the development to minimize conflicts.
Article 6: Development Standards
Section 6.13 Community Form Standards
Subsection 6.13.A Purpose and Intent
6. Reduce interference with through traffic by other vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians entering, leaving, and crossing streets.
Article 6: Development Standards
Section 6.13 Community Form Standards
Subsection 6.13.D Internal Street Connectivity
a. A right-of-way eight-feet-wide for pedestrian/bicycle access
between a cul-de-sac head or street turnaround and the sidewalk system
of the closest adjacent street or pedestrian pathway (as shown in
Figure 6.13.D.4: Pedestrian connections.) shall be required whenever
the City staff determines a proposed cul-de-sac or street turnaround:
i. Is in close proximity with significant pedestrian generators or
destinations such as schools, parks, trails, employment centers, or
similar features; or
ii. Creates an unreasonable impediment to pedestrian circulation.
Article 7: Subdivision and Infrastructure
Section 7.2 Required Infrastructure
Subsection 7.2.E Sidewalks
Sidewalks and bicycle travel and access areas are required on both
sides of all streets in accordance with this subsection.
a. Subdivision
Sidewalks shall be constructed in all new subdivisions at the time of plat approval.
b. Site Plan
Sidewalks in existing subdivisions shall be constructed
along any right-of-way adjacent to the development, between the
development and the paved roadway. Sidewalks shall logically extend
and connect to existing sidewalks, or connect the new development with
existing or proposed sidewalks in the right-of-way.
a. Bicycle travel and access areas shall be coordinated with general
vehicular traffic and directed to provide safe access to bicycle
parking areas, main entrances, and other appropriate focal points.
b. Bicycle travel areas shall be provided as paved shoulders four feet
in width along streets where curbing is not required. On curbed
streets, the curb lanes shall be 12 feet in width, measured from the
edge of roadway pavement (not including the curb and gutter section).
a. Where installation of sidewalks or bicycle areas is not appropriate
at the time of development, in lieu of installation the developer may
pay the estimated installation costs to the City. The City shall
install the improvements when conditions warrant.
b. All or a portion of the sidewalk requirements may be waived for
infill developments on previously subdivided lots generally located
east of Clyde Morris Blvd. where there are no existing sidewalks in
the area.
Article 11: Definitions and Interpretation
Section 11.5 Terms and Uses Defined
A bike rack is a stand used for mounting and securing bicycles when not in use.
A park consists of land used for recreation, exercise, sports,
education, rehabilitation, or similar activities, or a land area
intended to enhance the enjoyment of natural features or natural
beauty, specifically excluding commercially operated amusement
parks. A greenway is a linear park that links various parts of the
community with bicycle and facilities such as bicycle paths and
An establishment primarily engaged in the provision of repair services for TVs, bicycles, clocks, watches, shoes, guns, canvas products, appliances, and office equipment—including tailor, locksmith, and upholsterer servicesa
Appendix A: Application Submittal Requirements
Additional Application Requirements for Site PlanZoning District
N. Traffic Plan
1. A traffic circulation plan shall be submitted identifying all
ingress/egress locations, parking spaces, traffic flow directions,
service drives, loading/unloading zones, fire lanes, pedestrian and
bicycle facilities, pole-mounted luminaries with type and wattage,
drop-off areas, and dumpster locations. Dimensions for all vehicular
use, pedestrian and bicycle areas, including roadway curve and corner
radii, shall be clearly shown. All required off-site traffic
improvements shall be shown on the traffic plan prior to final
Appendix A: Application Submittal Requirements
Additional Application Requirements for Concept Plan for Subdivision
At the preapplication conference, the applicant shall provide a
concept plan drawn to a scale of 1 inch =100 feet. The concept plan is
intended to be a simple drawing sufficient to make a fair presentation
of the proposed development. It shall show tentative street layout,
approximate right-of-way widths, lot arrangements, drainage and
utility easements, sites for schools, parks, churches, existing
structures, canals and waterways, wooded areas, approximate number of
acres devoted to each use, total acreage, average lot size,
approximate number of lots, existing zoning, and other appropriate
Additional Application Requirements for Minor Subdivisions and
Preliminary Subdivision Plans
B. The following supporting documents shall be submitted, with required information shown graphically, by notes, or by exhibits:
7. Street names and locations, dimension and purpose of proposed and
existing rights-of-way, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, easements,
and waterways on the land to be subdivided and on the land adjoining
for at least 150 feet.
15. Typical cross section of proposed grading, roadways, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and other similar areas.
Appendix A: Application Submittal Requirements
Additional Application Requirements for Recording of Final PlatZoning District
D. Supporting documents shall be submitted, including a composite
utility map and the following information, construction plans, and
engineering drawings:
1. Plan and profile drawings showing all streets, storm sewers,
sanitary sewers, outfall ditches, sidewalks, bicycle facilities,
bulkheads, and any other public improvements.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Bicycles in 14 Policies and 1 Objective of the Daytona Beach City Comprehensive Plan
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Word cloud of Daytona Beach Comprehensive Plan policies and objectives which include bicycles. |
Policy The City shall maintain development
standards for bike
paths and bike parking facilities at City parks and recreational
Policy The City's Land Development Code shall be maintained to
ensure that internal traffic circulation systems separate vehicular
from non-vehicular traffic including pedestrians and bicycles.
Objective 2.1.13 Bike Paths - The City shall continue to support the
development of bicycle facility development in the City consistent
with the MPO long-range transportation plan as updated.
Policy Maintain in the City's Land Development Code for the
construction of interconnected bike path facilities to serve all new
planned developments, subdivisions and attractions where future
demands warrant
Policy Where feasible through street and park improvements
projects consistent with the MPO 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan,
enhance the existing City bicycle system in a manner that encourages
the use of bicycles as an alternate means of transportation. In
addition, the City shall actively pursue grant funding when available
for bike paths, pedestrian systems, parking facilities including
Beville Road bike path, beachside parking facilities and Surfside
Village beach access.
Policy Maintain requirements for a sidewalk system in the Land
Development Code, giving highest priority to linking residential
neighborhoods to schools, recreation areas and to shopping areas and
providing separate pedestrian and bicycle facilities in those areas
that have, or may be anticipated to have, significant conflicts
between automobile traffic and bicyclists or pedestrians
Policy The City shall maintain development standards for bike
paths and bike parking facilities at City parks and recreational
Policy By 2012, the City shall coordinate with the MPO to
prepare and adopt an access plan that will set standards to maintain
and improve the public automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access to
recreational sites within the City.
Policy By 2015, the City shall complete improvements to
Derbyshire and Bethune Point parks, making them more accessible to
pedestrians and bicycles.
Policy The City shall review plats and development plans and
continue to require bicycle and/or pedestrian paths as part of its
Land Development Code regulations when warranted. The City shall adopt
Land Development Code regulations by 2012 implementing this policy.
Policy The following mobility strategies shall be utilized
within the TCEA, including that portion of the SIS within the TCEA, as
h) Safe and convenient parking facilities that accommodate pedestrians and
l) Pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facility amenities and enhancements such as
landscaped and shaded routes and shelters
Policy The City shall implement the following ‚"complete streets"
principles in order to ensure that all modes of transportation are
incorporated into proposed plans for roadway modifications within the
TCEA. The intent of this policy is to develop a comprehensive,
integrated, multi-modal street network by coordinating transportation
planning strategies and private development activities that include,
but are not limited to the following principles:
a) "All users" are defined to include pedestrians, bicyclists, transit
vehicles and users, and motorists, of all ages and abilities.
e) Provide or contribute appropriate bicycle facilities and improvements to
existing bicycle infrastructure.
Policy Where appropriate, developers may be required to fund or
construct mobility improvements listed below. The City may issue
credits toward contribution requirements, if applicable:
i) Deeding of land and/or construction of new bicycle lanes, shared paths or
sidewalks that provide local connectivity and reduce trips on major arterials.
Policy The City will coordinate with VOTRAN to derive
appropriate performance measures to quantify the mode split
percentages within the City's TCEA. Special consideration shall be
given to the mobility goals for sidewalks, bicycle paths and
pedestrian uses. The performance measures will be developed and
documented by December 31, 2012.
Policy The City shall reduce hazardous walking conditions
consistent with Florida's Safe Ways to School Program. In conjunction
with the School Board, the City shall implement the following
2. New development and redevelopment within two miles of a school
shall be required to provide sidewalks within or adjacent to the
property for the corridor that directly serves the school or qualifies
as an acceptable designated walk or bicycle route to the school.
3. In order to ensure continuous pedestrian access to public schools,
the City shall consider infill sidewalk and bicycle projects
connecting networks serving schools as part of the annual capital
budget process. Priority shall be given to hazardous walking
conditions pursuant to Section 1006.23, Florida Statutes.
paths and bike parking facilities at City parks and recreational
Policy The City's Land Development Code shall be maintained to
ensure that internal traffic circulation systems separate vehicular
from non-vehicular traffic including pedestrians and bicycles.
Objective 2.1.13 Bike Paths - The City shall continue to support the
development of bicycle facility development in the City consistent
with the MPO long-range transportation plan as updated.
Policy Maintain in the City's Land Development Code for the
construction of interconnected bike path facilities to serve all new
planned developments, subdivisions and attractions where future
demands warrant
Policy Where feasible through street and park improvements
projects consistent with the MPO 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan,
enhance the existing City bicycle system in a manner that encourages
the use of bicycles as an alternate means of transportation. In
addition, the City shall actively pursue grant funding when available
for bike paths, pedestrian systems, parking facilities including
Beville Road bike path, beachside parking facilities and Surfside
Village beach access.
Policy Maintain requirements for a sidewalk system in the Land
Development Code, giving highest priority to linking residential
neighborhoods to schools, recreation areas and to shopping areas and
providing separate pedestrian and bicycle facilities in those areas
that have, or may be anticipated to have, significant conflicts
between automobile traffic and bicyclists or pedestrians
Policy The City shall maintain development standards for bike
paths and bike parking facilities at City parks and recreational
Policy By 2012, the City shall coordinate with the MPO to
prepare and adopt an access plan that will set standards to maintain
and improve the public automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access to
recreational sites within the City.
Policy By 2015, the City shall complete improvements to
Derbyshire and Bethune Point parks, making them more accessible to
pedestrians and bicycles.
Policy The City shall review plats and development plans and
continue to require bicycle and/or pedestrian paths as part of its
Land Development Code regulations when warranted. The City shall adopt
Land Development Code regulations by 2012 implementing this policy.
Policy The following mobility strategies shall be utilized
within the TCEA, including that portion of the SIS within the TCEA, as
h) Safe and convenient parking facilities that accommodate pedestrians and
l) Pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facility amenities and enhancements such as
landscaped and shaded routes and shelters
Policy The City shall implement the following ‚"complete streets"
principles in order to ensure that all modes of transportation are
incorporated into proposed plans for roadway modifications within the
TCEA. The intent of this policy is to develop a comprehensive,
integrated, multi-modal street network by coordinating transportation
planning strategies and private development activities that include,
but are not limited to the following principles:
a) "All users" are defined to include pedestrians, bicyclists, transit
vehicles and users, and motorists, of all ages and abilities.
e) Provide or contribute appropriate bicycle facilities and improvements to
existing bicycle infrastructure.
Policy Where appropriate, developers may be required to fund or
construct mobility improvements listed below. The City may issue
credits toward contribution requirements, if applicable:
i) Deeding of land and/or construction of new bicycle lanes, shared paths or
sidewalks that provide local connectivity and reduce trips on major arterials.
Policy The City will coordinate with VOTRAN to derive
appropriate performance measures to quantify the mode split
percentages within the City's TCEA. Special consideration shall be
given to the mobility goals for sidewalks, bicycle paths and
pedestrian uses. The performance measures will be developed and
documented by December 31, 2012.
Policy The City shall reduce hazardous walking conditions
consistent with Florida's Safe Ways to School Program. In conjunction
with the School Board, the City shall implement the following
2. New development and redevelopment within two miles of a school
shall be required to provide sidewalks within or adjacent to the
property for the corridor that directly serves the school or qualifies
as an acceptable designated walk or bicycle route to the school.
3. In order to ensure continuous pedestrian access to public schools,
the City shall consider infill sidewalk and bicycle projects
connecting networks serving schools as part of the annual capital
budget process. Priority shall be given to hazardous walking
conditions pursuant to Section 1006.23, Florida Statutes.
Bicycles in 13 Policies and 2 Objectives in the Volusia County Comprehensive Plan
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Word cloud of Volusia County Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies which include bicycles |
Objective 2.1.10 Encourage bicycle use and pedestrian activity
throughout Volusia County.
throughout Volusia County.
Policy Volusia County has established land use
and other strategies
to promote the use of bicycles and walking, especially within
corridors served by transit to promote transit ridership.
Policy Volusia County shall continue to coordinate with the Volusia
TPO to develop and update the County wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
Policy Volusia County shall develop pedestrian and bicycle
ways to connect public uses such as schools, libraries, parks, and
intermodal transit nodes where feasible
Policy Volusia County shall develop bicycle-compatible design
standards in the Land Development Code for all new and reconstructed
collector and arterial roads.
Policy Volusia County shall integrate bicycle (i.e., bicycle
racks on buses, secure bicycle storage lockers, and park and ride
lots), and pedestrian features into transit planning.
Policy Subsequent to designation as a Scenic Corridor, a management
plan for each corridor must be prepared. The plan shall, at a minimum,
analyze existing conditions and provide guidelines for the management
of the vegetation within the public right-of-way, establish speed
limits along the designated route, consider the potential for
multiple-use bicycle and pedestrian facilities, design and placement
of information and directional signs, and needed roadway improvements.
Policy The County shall coordinate with the FDOT and any
relevant municipalities in the preparation of Master Plans for Florida
State designated scenic highways to provide for safe bicycle and
pedestrian circulation, traffic calming and aesthetic improvements.
Objective 13.1.1 Volusia County shall strive to improve public
accessibility to existing parks and recreation facilities with the
construction of mandatory vehicular access facilities and/or optional
bicycle and pedestrian access-ways.
Policy Volusia County shall continue to coordinate with the
MPO to maintain a County- wide bicycle facilities plan, in order to
identify routes for both recreation and alternative modes of
Policy Bicycle facilities requirements (location and
dimension) shall comply with or exceed the requirements of the Volusia
County land development regulations.
Policy When bike paths are incorporated into a park design
for local and district parks, they shall not conflict with the usage
of jogging, hiking, horse and nature paths or trails.
Policy Bicycle parking facilities (bike racks) shall continue to be provide
at existing and future park sites.
Policy Planned Unit Developments and residential
developments proposing parks and/or recreational facilities shall be
designed to ensure vehicular, pedestrian and bike accessibility in
accordance with Volusia County land development regulations.
Policy When developed, oceanfront parks shall accommodate
sufficient parking, beach access facilities and bike facilities to
ensure accessibility to the coastal beach.
to promote the use of bicycles and walking, especially within
corridors served by transit to promote transit ridership.
Policy Volusia County shall continue to coordinate with the Volusia
TPO to develop and update the County wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
Policy Volusia County shall develop pedestrian and bicycle
ways to connect public uses such as schools, libraries, parks, and
intermodal transit nodes where feasible
Policy Volusia County shall develop bicycle-compatible design
standards in the Land Development Code for all new and reconstructed
collector and arterial roads.
Policy Volusia County shall integrate bicycle (i.e., bicycle
racks on buses, secure bicycle storage lockers, and park and ride
lots), and pedestrian features into transit planning.
Policy Subsequent to designation as a Scenic Corridor, a management
plan for each corridor must be prepared. The plan shall, at a minimum,
analyze existing conditions and provide guidelines for the management
of the vegetation within the public right-of-way, establish speed
limits along the designated route, consider the potential for
multiple-use bicycle and pedestrian facilities, design and placement
of information and directional signs, and needed roadway improvements.
Policy The County shall coordinate with the FDOT and any
relevant municipalities in the preparation of Master Plans for Florida
State designated scenic highways to provide for safe bicycle and
pedestrian circulation, traffic calming and aesthetic improvements.
Objective 13.1.1 Volusia County shall strive to improve public
accessibility to existing parks and recreation facilities with the
construction of mandatory vehicular access facilities and/or optional
bicycle and pedestrian access-ways.
Policy Volusia County shall continue to coordinate with the
MPO to maintain a County- wide bicycle facilities plan, in order to
identify routes for both recreation and alternative modes of
Policy Bicycle facilities requirements (location and
dimension) shall comply with or exceed the requirements of the Volusia
County land development regulations.
Policy When bike paths are incorporated into a park design
for local and district parks, they shall not conflict with the usage
of jogging, hiking, horse and nature paths or trails.
Policy Bicycle parking facilities (bike racks) shall continue to be provide
at existing and future park sites.
Policy Planned Unit Developments and residential
developments proposing parks and/or recreational facilities shall be
designed to ensure vehicular, pedestrian and bike accessibility in
accordance with Volusia County land development regulations.
Policy When developed, oceanfront parks shall accommodate
sufficient parking, beach access facilities and bike facilities to
ensure accessibility to the coastal beach.
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