Saturday, July 25, 2015

Summer of Bicycle Friendly Community Visits

Had the pleasure of visiting a few Bicycle Friendly Communities this summer.  The first was Salt Lake City with a silver rating from the League of American Bicyclists.  Got to ride in protected bike lanes and follow the easy to read bike map.

Protected bike lane on 300 S in downtown Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City protected bike lane with bike share station

Buffered bike lane in downtown Salt Lake City

Travel lane, parking, buffer, bike lane, curb, sidewalk.  Note the regular bike racks. 

New protected lanes under construction downtown. 

Downtown Salt Lake City

Biking along 800 S in Salt Lake City, a designated bike route.

Bike lanes continue across intersections with sharrows marking the the way.  Note the left turn box on the right.

When the bike lane passed in front of a driveway it is painted green.